"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." - Dalai Lama
1. First and foremost ALWAYS be gracious, kind, and courteous during your time spent with me.
2. Always be freshly showered before our visit. Good hygiene is always a turn on!
3. Please make sure to read through my website entirely before contacting or meeting with me. This will enable you to get a feel for who I am and make our visit with one another far more enjoyable.
4. Never try to talk to me about about discounts. This is rather derogatory and disheartening. You wouldn’t want your employer doing this to you now would you?
5. Please make sure to place my honorarium in a plain white envelope in plain view at the start of date to avoid any uncomfortable conversation.
6. Please make sure to confirm your arrival for our visit with a call or email one day before and the day of. If I don’t receive a confirmation from you the date will be considered a no call no show.